Dalia has a very unique spiritual approach to Breathwork and she has a deep connection to Babaji. Dalia, Thank you for inspiring us all to keep reaching higher, going deeper ! You are making such a wonderful difference in the world ! You are making such a wonderful difference in the lives of the people you work with.
/Dan Brule, /
I would like to thank you once again. I have heard a lot about Babaji (, watched videos, pictures, read what other people who were close to him wrote about it, shook out impressions from Dan (Dan Brule, ). And nevertheless namely through you I met with this energy inside myself. No matter how you call it – babaji, energy… I feel, that it is a …. new, conscious energy that came up to me… She (It! He!) started to teach me. This happened so clearly, that it may not be fantasized nor mixed up with anything else. This is joy and liberation, and something remarkably, extremely valuable.
/O. Zacharova, Moscow/
After a breathing session with Dalia deep processes take place in a man, both on the physical level (deep relaxation, a sense of vitality in your body) and the level of consciousness (direct knowledge, as well as answers to pressing life problems and global issues on your mission get unveiled).
/L. Bogdanova, Moscow/
After breathing session my breathing now is much easer (I have the asthma), and I don't need a medicaments, it is very positive signal for me; now I feel so, how usually only with a help of medicaments I can achieve.
/J.H., health professional, Germany/
I try to remember my own mental state: apathy, helplessness, diagnoses of several psychiatrists pronounced as if a sentence – bipolar disorder, maniac depression, depression with anxiety attacks, adaptation disorder. To top it all, psoriasis renewed after a 15-year break. Maybe this was the moment when there had to happen something to make me a small bridge to start climbing up? I had the first breathing sessions at nice self-educated lady who brought me to Dalia Beata after seeing that I am a “too messed-up” patient in mental respect. Here, a diary on my experiences in conscious breathing should start where you, Dalia, guided me as if a baby making its first steps. This is how I actually felt during our sessions. Now, I do not remember the date when I first contacted you, only that brightness and easiness which made me rise from the ground. I was deeply amazed to see and to understand that during the moments of gripping pain and gloominess, when fear, tension and anxiety start to rise, I have to change my breathing, and then the light comes down in a couple of minutes. Self-regret, lack of self-confidence and fears withdrew and were replaced by peace, love and a feeling of incredible stability which I have not experienced for so long time. I am returning back to myself, to the house of my Soul which I have abandoned through my ignorance, ineptitude, and anger.
/N. Lithuania/
This name suits you the best. Thus, I am writing to you, dear Dadaji. When you asked me before the session if there is anything I lack, I answered without thinking that it is awareness. And this is the truth. When you put a chair and offered me to sit down and to relax, I could not image that this is already the session. I tried not to be excited and to breathe calmly, the usual way. Very soon I heard a diagnosis: “You want to look better than you really are”. And this is the truth too. You commented that if I probed deeper into myself I could discover more goodness and would not have to strive. Then your hands started to touch my body, sometimes stroking, knuckling or simply touching me. At the beginning I only left your touches. Afterwards the body started to respond to them (or maybe I perceived them later) and to open up. I felt lightness in the belly region, and as if a void opened up – nothing was left inside. Lightness gradually ascended upwards. With each touch of your hands something opened up inside me by releasing the “wealth” I have accumulated during long years and simply leaving an incredible lightness. I understood that chakras are clearing up fast. My head became heavy, even unsymmetrical, as if elongated to the right. I felt pain in the nape of my neck; then the pain descended to my left shoulder and stayed there for some time. Then, with a touch of your cool hands on my head, the heaviness disappeared. The session was over in hardly 20 minutes. This lightness, and most importantly, the calmed-down mind, however, remained. I was amazed and fascinated with your ability to make a miracle here and now. This was so new, powerful, and easy as the process went very fast and without any efforts on my part. Something unnecessary came out of me. Even my mind obeyed you and observed changes happening inside me from the side. First of all, my reaction to external world has changed. It seems to have no effect on me. Having heard a reproach I did not react to it at all – no sense of guilt that I acted not the way I was expected. This was a surprise even to me. All evening I thanked and thanked the Lord, Angels, You, dear Dalia, for this wonderful session. An hour outside passed as several minutes, whereas this lightness and gratitude flew from the inside in incessant stream. The mind worked in a very orderly manner.
One more event was recorded – I heard outside very angry, aggressive voices of a man and woman. I understood that they were quite drunk. Previously I would have felt bad, and would have contracted the bottom of my belly out of fear and would have rushed as far as I could in order not to hear them. Now, the argument did not have any effect on me. Harsh sounds drew my attention; yet I did not feel any fear. I sent them light, love and quietly withdrew.
I started to accept myself and the world. My attitude towards my friend has changed. If previously I frequently showed my temper in communication with her, now I experienced gentleness towards her. Hostility disappeared, and I accepted her the way she is. Only the next day I realised that I ate sweets in the evening without any feeling of guilt of eating unhealthy food and gaining some weight, etc. I simply allowed myself to feel pleasure. Something deep inside me opened up – I stopped evaluating and criticizing myself that I am not good enough in this or another respect, that I cannot do this or that. Now, I am the way I am and am pleased with that - that easiness, energy flow, heart flutter and inner joy emerging from the inside after a long break, when I feel good for no reason at all. I had a rush of strength to live and a desire to act. I stopped practicing self-torture, dissatisfaction with myself and STARTED TO LIVE! FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, THANK YOU, DADAJI !!!
/D., Lithuania/
Before session i was exhausted from suicidal thoughts, but now i approve life and have touhght how to improve it, this is wonderful !
/R.D., Lithuania/
Conscious breathing triggers the experience of deep internal energy vibrations at the level of internal organs and cells.
/Natalja M., Moscow/
Dalia – is a person combining in herself power and intuition in a harmonious way.
/Heike Strombach, Germany,
I am amazed at the Dalia's mastery, technique, and breathing itself.
After the session a sense of guilt and disaster has been relieved. I felt an entirely different person, a sense of serenity and ease. It turned out that everything genial is simple. Excellent! I would like to learn more, i.e. to work with the master.
I enjoyed the seminar immensely. I was in great spirits, and experienced an internal peace. I have participated in conscious breathing seminars before, however the seminar conducted by you was fantastic :)). It was very intimate. What is you do is a WONDER!
What I have received in the seminar was something great and important to me.
I succeeded in approaching my goals. I liked it a lot! /Rita/
I enjoyed it very much. I feel joyful and light. /Zita/
I see the actual benefit for myself. /Rimantas/
I am pleased with the opportunity to participate in the seminar. I am fascinated by the comfort and harmony prevailing during the classes.
I came to the consultation somewhat lost, alarmed. I had pain in the crown, numbness in hands and legs. I felt so helpless and weak, very uncertain.
After I saw and hugged Dalia Beata I became very emotional how good it felt to embrace her…
Her smile told me that everything will be all right.
The consultation was different than a breathing therapy.
It is hard to find words to describe it. I felt that Dalia shifted my blocks and experiences from so deep inside of me…
1st day after the consultation
First of all, sincere thank you. Something amazing and extraordinary …
Coming outside after the session I saw such light, such goodness, whereas the colours were so bright and clear.
I felt as if all bad thoughts had been blown out of my mind and it became so spacious … and good. I seemed that I had a flow of blood into the back of my head. I was sitting with my mother in a café bar, looking through the window and wanted to smile again and again.
And I had a yawn, so sincere, so light; I felt warmth and lightness in my hands and legs.
I released all thoughts. It felt so good to be here … on this earth.
I yawned all way long home until I went to bed. I felt some particular vibrations in my legs and hands.
2nd day after the consultation
When I woke up in the morning, the sense of goodness and lightness has not disappeared. I had a doctor’s appointment. The tension was great and I tried to chase it away by yawning, however unsuccessfully. After I came home later in the afternoon, I relaxed, and my jaw started to open up and yawning (so sincere and light) came out. Fluttering, vibration still remained in my hands and legs. I wanted to hug and to kiss everybody around. My daughter probably felt that, as she ran up to me and cuddle up (it was so good, so good that it seemed we could stay embraced like that for a whole eternity).
3rd day after the consultation
What a strange feeling – flutter – is!
The thought that everything will be all right stays in my mind.
I was flooded by a wave of energy, and wanted to flush out, to clean, to polish up everything.
I love the entire Universe.
/E., Lithuania/
The master, sitting next to me, listened to my breathing and gradually started to comment on the situations which I reflecting on. I was amazed that the master precisely grasped the essence. Then she started to touch gently my hands, shoulders, and head. This was very relaxing and bestowed a pleasant sense of lightness. It seemed that she shared her airiness with me, and my body accepted this airiness with gratitude by recovering the sensation of “bodylessness” I had left behind in the distant childhood, when it simply moved without reminding during breaks that it should be taken care of. Finally, I flushed the lungs with air – smoothly and calmly, as if consolidating the state achieved.
The master told me that despite of the easiness of performance, the given work has a profound effect that will continue for some time after finishing the session. I had no doubts about it. The master touched me even deeper with something that may not be described, but could be seen and felt during the practice.
I thought about it for some time afterwards, and this is what I have concluded:
1. The invisibility of effect in the presence of noticeable effectiveness – a feature of the True Master.
2. Realisation of information and liberation from the burden of the past does not necessarily have to be achieved the hard way, when the Master works together with you.
3. Breathing is power, a key to and...
4. And truly feminine aspects ...which the Master is endowed with:
a) constancy of hasteless movements, voice and look culminating into graciousness and subtlety;
b) gentleness – which is not necessarily vulnerability. There is confident gentleness, and this is namely POWER, whereas the opposite – rudeness- is namely the absence of power;
c) the power of woman lies in her weakness, not in some other power.
Lightness in the shoulders from which a load was taken off has amazed me for a long time…
Many thanks that this meeting did take place.
/I., Moscow/
I became more vigorous and flooded with peace. /Inga/
I feel a lot of energy in myself. Deep gratitude for the knowledge conveyed. /Aleksandras/
A session with Dalia brought me a great liberation.
/Lowis, painter, Germany/
A blissful state. The feelings are only the best. /Aldona/
I am very grateful. This is wonderful. I feel how all tension vanished and my body became very light.
I experienced full trust in Dalia - that devotedly she conducts her breathing sessions.
/Edith, psychologist, Debrecen, Hungary/
Thank you that YOU are!!! Recently, I have been following some definite rules and tried to figure out what is right. Whereas during the session I was overwhelmed by this thought; and a choice, my individual, not imposed by any school or somebody else’s experience, came up. This brought an incredible lightness on the level of experience that something heavy had dissolved in my neck area. Then, the sacral part of spinal cord loosened up, as if my neck and thighs was one and the same. A fabulous freedom to do what I am doing, and to allow my breathing to manifest, broke through, and after the session – for actions and words that have been dictated by ME, MY HEART, and not imposed by what is considered necessary or customary. It seemed as if previously I have been walking only on a particular path, whereas now I may create my own paths, walk along the old, and find the new ones. I may call it as the freedom of choice, or the freedom of BEING yourself…
/A. Moscow/
This is wonderful. It has exceeded my expectations. The instructor is a real professional. /Arūnas/
You revealed a new world for me, and no way have I wanted to lose this!... I thank you for opening my spirit and my heart! You are an amazing person! After breathing with you I can donate a bit of my body to people … you showed me how it should be and the world became brighter, cleaner and more beautiful! To say thank you means to say nothing! You carry warmth and happiness in yourself! I expect very much to see you once again! Thank you!
/Е., Мoscow/
After each breathing session with Dalia I felt a huge relief. During the breathing sessions with Dalia I received more love than I have ever received from my family members.
/D., hotel manager, Lithuania/
I have had a great number of sessions and seminars on rebirthing with different instructors…It seemed that this stage has already been over, yet this was simply a break before something new. It turned out that the new thing was Dalia. How good it was! Lightness, tenderness, and power which I felt after breathing sessions endured very long.
/R., Moscow/
I met Dalia several years ago in one of the seminars on rebirthing. The majority of us “were on this road”, yet she was flying, always a step ahead of us, receptive for everything that is new. I came to the session with her with personal issues and wishes I have been concerned with, whereas when leaving I felt only one – peace and a stream of love.
/R., health professional, Lithuania/
This is wonderful. It has exceeded my expectations. The instructor is a real professional. /Arūnas/
After the breathing session I experienced joy, a desire to act, kindness. I felt as if I was born anew: with pure thoughts, joyful and open looks – an active and confident individual. Energy, power, confidence settled in me.
/Svetlana A., Moscow/
Thank you for being and donating immense love, happiness harmony to people!!! It seems to me that I became different… many problems disappeared. I feel I am in harmony with the surrounding world… Thanks a million! Thank you that you are and came to us.
/V., Moscow/
After two breathing sessions with Dalia my husband became a lot more peaceful.
/Vita, housewife, London, England/
Dalia has an unusual mission – to return people "home to themselves". Over there where you are loved, and you love everybody unconditionally, where you may ALWAYS return and dwell in the Everlasting Truth … This is a miracle what this lady does. Dalia, THANK you and bless you! For what you are, and what you do. I say thank you to EVERYBODY from all worlds who have arranged our meeting!
/Natalja A., Kemerovo/